13300 CA-20, Suite 'O' in
Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423
Every 2nd and 4th Monday
of the month at 10:00am
525 N Main Street in Lakeport, CA 95453
Every 3rd Monday of the month at 10:00am
3725 Pearl Avenue in Clearlake, CA 95422
Every 4th Monday of the month at 10:00am
All we need from you when you sign in is your name, phone number, and the number of adults and children (if any) living in your household. No need to provide proof.
No, we provide food to all, whether you are single, married, single with children, or married with children.
We are open to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, economic status, and other diverse backgrounds.